Why FPV Drones Flying So Fast–At High Speed?

BlogBeginner’s GuideWhy FPV Drones Flying So Fast–At High Speed?


High speeds experienced by new FPV pilots are often due to the camera angle being set too high. Adjusting the camera angle within the recommended range of 20 to 30 degrees helps achieve a smoother and more controlled flying experience, balancing speed with stability. By following this adjustment, pilots can avoid excessive speed and enjoy a more enjoyable freestyle flying experience.

  1. Camera Angle Impact: High speeds in FPV drones are often due to the camera angle set too high.
  2. Recommended Range: Set camera angle between 20 to 30 degrees for a balance between speed and control.
  3. Addressing High Speeds: Lower the camera angle within the recommended range if experiencing uncontrollable forward flight.
  4. Controlled Flying Experience: Adjusting camera angle ensures smoother and more controlled flying, enhancing maneuverability and enjoyment.

What you need

Freestyle Recommended:

Racing Recommended:

Video Overview

New FPV pilots may experience unexpectedly high speeds during flight, which can be attributed to the camera angle being set too high. Understanding and adjusting the camera angle is essential for achieving a smoother and more controlled flying experience.

FPV Drone Camera Angle Impact

The camera angle plays a crucial role in determining the flight characteristics of an FPV drone. When set too high, it can result in the drone flying forward at high speeds, even when the pilot perceives a horizontal angle through their goggles.

Recommended Camera Angle Range

For freestyle flying, it’s common to set the camera angle between 20 and 30 degrees. This range provides a balance between speed and control, allowing for dynamic maneuvers while maintaining stability.

Addressing High Speeds Flying

If you notice your drone racing forward uncontrollably, it’s likely due to the camera angle being set too high. To remedy this, lower the camera angle to the recommended range of 20 to 30 degrees.

Achieving a Controlled High Speeds Flying Experience

By adjusting the camera angle within the recommended range, pilots can enjoy a smoother and more controlled flying experience. This ensures better maneuverability and responsiveness, enhancing the overall enjoyment of freestyle flying.

Why FPV Drones Flying So Fast


Maintaining an appropriate camera angle is crucial for achieving optimal performance and control during FPV flying. By following the recommended range of 20 to 30 degrees, pilots can avoid excessively high speeds and enjoy a more enjoyable and controlled freestyle flying experience.

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